Dixie Mae
Breed: Haflinger
Gender: Mare
Color: Palomino
Birthdate: May 14, 2004
Height: 14h

Dixie Facts:
Dixie loves treats of all kinds.
Halflinger are a popular breed for first time horse owners.
Her favorite barn pals are Sinatra and Marley.
Dixie was donated by our volunteer Emily who got her in 2020. Dixie was a pasture pet most of her life until Emily worked with her to be a saddle horse.
Since coming to the Rock in 2021, they both have learned alot together. Dixie is a walk, trot, canter saddle horse and is learning ground driving.
Her hind legs are bowed and she walks with a snappy step so she has a unique movement and the kids love her. She is used for ground work in the veterans program, day camp and is an excellent trail horse as she does not spook easily. She doesn't however like the sound of plastic when it rubs together or the sound of plastic bottles being crushed.
New in 2024 she will be used for the Therapeion Riding Program and will be a favorite due to her "my little pony" toy horse face.

Our Mission is to engage and develop the relationship between humans and the therapeutic energy of a horse to strengthen the physical, emotional, and mental well-being of ones life.